Veteran comedian, Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, popularly known as Ali Baba has called on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, not to spare any entertainer encouraging crime.

Rather, he urged entertainers to collaborate with the EFCC by using their creative arts to fight against financial and internet crimes in Nigeria

He also urged them to live life worthy of emulation for young Nigerians, who look onto them as role models.

In an interview in Lagos, Ali Baba, told the EFCC,

“do not spare any of my colleagues in entertainment industry who uses his or her work of art to encourage internet fraud, popularly known as yahoo-yahoo.”

Ali Baba, however, tasked his colleagues to use their profession to rewrite the narrative in the fight against corruption and urged them to stay out of crime.

He added that the EFCC should not take it lightly in dealing with entertainers who encourage crime especially, cyber crime.

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