Omoni Oboli has a message for the certain catergory of people who have a thing for ruining the reputation of others just to climb up the ladder.

The movie star and director in a post on her Instagram page called out those who would do anything to climb up the ladder at the detriment of others.

“I’m a very ambitious person and I’ve learnt to stop apologizing for it. I also believe very strongly that we can ALL win together.

If you think bringing someone else down is the only way you can climb, darling, that’s witchcraft right there! We are all striving to be better than we were yesterday.

Stop talking about other people! HUSTLE on your lane!!! I’m not going to dump down to make you feel better. Get up let’s go! PS: If you really can’t stand the heat, honey, leave the kitchen! It’s 2020 #Omonifam, let’s WIN ❤️,” she wrote.

Omoni Oboli’s latest movie, ‘Sugar Rush’ was recently was suspended from showing in cinemas.

Reacting to the outrage, NFVCB in a statement on its Facebook page said, ‘Sugar Rush’ was suspended in cinemas because the temporary approval given for the movie exhibition has expired.

